The Environmental Services Company treats most types of hazardous waste that are produced in Israel, except for radioactive and explosive materials. Such a wide range of hazardous materials poses many risks for which the quality assurance system must provide an adequate response
The aims of the Environmental Services Company integrated management system are:
- Establishing the principles and basic assumptions that guide all employees of the company in the planning and execution of their work in any field that is related to environmental protection, its customers, interested parties, the authorities, the standard of the service, safety and hygiene of workers and the functional strength of the company.
- Achieving and routinely sustaining levels of quality, environmental protection, occupational safety & health and functional strength that satisfy the requirements of valid documentation in all fields of activity that affect customers, interested parties, authorities, quality of service, environmental protection, safety and hygiene and functional strength.
- Ensuring maximum satisfaction of our customers and creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of the authorities and the general public.
- Constant improvement in all of the various fields of activity of the company.

You can read our complete integrated management policy here
Routine activity in the quality assurance field:
- Corrective and/or preventive activity involving hazards, non-conformances and discrepancies.
- Internal inspections that cover all fields of activity of the company are performed at least twice a year.
- The company passes external audits of the Standards Institution of Israel and the National Laboratory Accreditation Authority.
- Conducting management reviews twice a year, in which statistic analyses in the various fields of activity of the company are shown. The aim of the reviews is to advance the objectives of the company in the fields of environmental protection, quality of service, the security of the company and safety and hygiene of company staff.
Company Certifications
- Quality Management – ISO 9001:2015
- Environmental Protection Management – ISO 14001:2015
- Anti-Bribery Management System – ISO 37001:2016
- Occupational Health and Safety Management -OHSAS 18001:2007
- Organizational Resilience Management System (ORMS) SI 24001:2011
- The company laboratories are certified by the National Laboratory Accreditation Authority for the ISO/IEC 17025 standard